November 18, 2007

My Research Homework Task - Theatre in a Round

What is it?
A theatre in the round (central stage, island stage) is a form of theatrical staging area which tries to achieve a certain purpose by organizing the stage and the audience in that specific way. It’s actually an acting area which can be both on floor level or on a stage but it surrounded by the audience. The theory and the whole idea about it the arena is that by surrounding the stage, a new understanding and loving relationship between the audience and the actors is being created. In 1947, Margo Jones established America's first professional theatre-in-the-round company, but it was invented a lot earlier.

Who’s using this form and for what purpose?
The first example is the Ancient Greek Theatre. Most of the plays that have been shown were tragedies, war stories and dramas. With that form they actually achieved a bigger reaction from the audience to the story that they tried to present and the emotions were much more real- the feeling is that you’re actually closing the stage, the actors, they are in the middle- you are actually, physically in their world, in their space.

The second example is the fact that the Arena Stage was used firstly by Gladiators for the enjoyment of the Caesar.

The other example is the Circus- they’re built in a way that makes the audience concentrate in what they’re doing, they are in the “center” of the world. The excitement is much bigger because there are so many things that happening in several places on the same time, and it creates excitement.

Benefits and Disadvantages
The main problem is that all the time, at least one of the actors is facing his back to a part of the audience which sometimes makes the bond between the stage to the audience weaker. On the other hand, it makes a special effect that can be done only if you use this type of theatre. Most directors take this problem as a benefit and use it for increasing emotions and make special effect, for example special lightning and set design.

The affects of the Theatre in a round:
Creates a special bond between the audience to the actors
Make the audience feel a part of the story
Make natural affects that can be used, for example, for increasing emotions
Present the play on a totally different way and showing other aspects of it

Sources: - WUD Library - Wikipedia - Cambridge University

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